Ana Escarpenter

Coach, Mentor, Trainer, & Facilitator at Clarmony

Ana Escarpenter, Spanish living in Belgium, has been curious, observant and on a learning path from an early age. Life has taken her on journeys of discovery of other languages and cultures. Her aspiration to become a better person opened the doors to the world of personal development quite some years ago.


Ana is a coach, mentor, trainer and facilitator. She is trained in multiple approaches, including the Spiral Dynamics change and leadership model, and Thiagi's facilitation games based on the richness of collective intelligence. The spiral dynamics model satisfies the exigencies of her left brain and the games amuse her right brain. Since "a picture speaks a thousand words" she uses photos to unveil what's hidden in the unconsciousness. Nature and spirituality are also part of her life and professional practice as she instructs Nordic walking and kundalini yoga, and coaches while walking in the forest.


With a 20 years background in management in international promotion of tourism destinations and event organization, she has held positions as leader, manager and team player. After a personal and professional crisis, her transition path started by walking the talk and going as a solo women traveler and volunteer to Sri Lanka for four months. This led to other enriching experiences where authentic relationships, acceptance of what is, and the desire to contribute have gradually integrated her life and work.


Her mission is to help her clients find ‘clarmony’, clarity and harmony, in life so they can be happier. She is convinced that in the near future, one coaching conversation at a time, we will raise the awareness and consciousness of society and humankind for a better world.


She works in Spanish, English and French.

Ana’s LinkedIn Page

Specialties include: Career Development, Relationship Building, Influence/Effecting Change

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Alana Miranda


Andrea Hutchinson